Guys and Ghoul, we interrupt your night of status updates, online farming and the Grumpy Cat to bring you a special bulletin from A-GoGo HQ.At twenty minutes to Midnight, Scottish time, the A-GoGo Events team reported observing several explosions of a sparkling gas occurring in regular intervals between some delightfully funky tunes moving towards the earth with enormous velocity….. Yet again!!!!!
Last year Roxy Stardust of A-GoGo HQ had described the phenomenon as “like glitter, fairy lights and there is the faint swirl of a what appears to be a giant Tassel” No one would have believed her then that our world was being watched, yet across the gulf of space, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic regarded our dance routines with sympathetic eyes and slowly, and surely, drew their plans to come to Earth and shimmy like they’d never shimmied before…. it could only be one thing….. THE GOGO GHOOULLLSS!!!!! THEY DO NOW!!!!!!! Monster-A-GoGo Needs YOU. Your Mission- To boldly go were no monster has gone before. Our Mission- To supply the tunes and entertainment. So dust off that Sonic Screw Driver, leave the Vogons at home and join us for a Monster-A-GoGo that is out of this world! It’d be Illogical not to come! LIVE MUSIC!!! …not to mention the fantastic drink promos provided by the wonderful staff at Non Zeros!!!!! So let your guts hang out and your get your Glad rags on ready to take to the dance floor at the Monster-A-GoGo INTERGALACTIC BALL!!! If you get lost you’ll find us in your Hitch Hikers Guide under awesome. E-mail for advance tickets or get in touch with one of the bands or performers. Till Then Live Long and Eat Brains :D! The Guts N’ Gore Team |